
My name is Matt Sheeley. I love to create things and am especially inspired by the natural world. I am a musician, a writer, and an artist based in Saint Paul, MN. In my spare time I enjoy reading, birding, and playing soccer.

β€œThe fall of snowflakes in a still air, preserving to each crystal its perfect form; the blowing of sleet over a wide sheet of water, and over plains; the waving rye field; the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye; the reflection of trees and flowers in glassy lakes; the musical, steaming, odorous south wind, which converts all trees to wind harps; the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames, or of pine logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sitting room - these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson